Rearrange + Add Custom Categories of Work

Video Transcript:

Hi, everybody, Mary Beth here. I'm going to go over how you can drag and drop categories. So if you go to your scope of work right here, there's a little gear to the right, and that's where you go in and you can edit your categories.

This is not only where you can edit the ones that you have or drag them around, but you can also add custom categories.

So let's say I wanted to add a custom category here called custom millwork. When I do that, the default of that is going to be, to show up at the bottom of the list of my categories.

But as you're building out categories that fit your needs, that are what you typically use. When you're estimating, you may want to rearrange that.

So I'm going to drag, I'm going to click the little menu over here on the left, and I'm going to drag that up and I'm going to put that above the cabinetry category.

So this just gives you the ability to arrange the scope of work in the way that best fits your team and best fits the needs of your clients and is more understandable.

We want to make Materio flexible but systematized and most importantly, we want it to work for you.

So if you have any other questions about how you add categories, rearrange them, or how you might set up your workflows, you can always email us at


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