“I love utilizing a program that matches in our vision, which is to bridge the gap between design and construction.  They should work in tandem and be seamless for the client’s experience. This software provides us the opportunity to do that.”

— Andrea Jeffery, CEO and Principal, Jeffery Design Studio

Jeffery Design Studio

Jeffery Design Studio stands out in the interior design industry with a unique foundation in construction expertise. Andrea, the founder, began their journey in the construction sector, gaining hands-on experience in selecting materials and managing project schedules. 

Recognizing a passion for design, they pursued a three-year Interior Design program, culminating in the establishment of Jeffery Design Group in 2017. The firm bridges the gap between construction and design, ensuring seamless communication between contractors and homeowners, and minimizing misunderstandings and delays. 

Jeffery Design Studio offers comprehensive services and is actively involved in sourcing contractors and materials, overseeing renovations, and ensuring meticulous attention to detail. They design livable interiors that maximize space and improve flow and consider ergonomics, lighting, and safety, creating functional and comfortable spaces. The firm’s mission is to transform homes to better suit clients' lifestyles and reflect their unique personalities, making the process enjoyable and stress-free. In this case study, you’ll learn more about how Jeffery Design uses Materio to stay organized and run projects. 

Andrea Jeffery, CEO + Principal at Jeffery Design Studio

What changed for the better since switching to Materio?

Internal collaboration and staying up to date on progress for tasks and due dates. Client interaction and feedback to the software has been positive.

What were you using before to keep your design projects organized? 

I’ve tried Studio Designer, Clickup, Trello, Asana, Design Manager, Houzz, and one other.  I’m done switching.

Number of projects you’re working on right now
28 Projects Currently

What are your favorite features or workflows in Materio?

Tags and comments on materials, the timeline, and tasks.

Check out more from Andrea and their team at or follow their work on Instagram.

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